PageRank as we know it is a difficult term to understand and most bloggers do not fully understand. In fact, there are probably only a few people in the world who really understand it, because Google's PageRank algorithm to keep a secret very guarded. Getting your Google PageRank is not something you can do in one day. If it can be done of course everyone will have a Google PageRank with ease.
Manggaduaspot will share information so that you can understand how best to improve google pagerank useful to the popularity of our website and improve our website in the eyes of Google and other search.
1. Get Backlinks From Website high PageRank
To increase your Pagerank blog may not be done in just an instant , but it takes time and constant effort . One of the best ways is to look for quality backlinks from sites / blogs with high pagerank and high traffic already have.
2. Use SEO Techniques
Search engine optimization is an important part to improve the Google PageRank . SEO techniques possible with our posts indexed in Google SERP for the higher . Of course this is in addition to PageRank effect we will also affect the amount of traffic that will go to our blog . For business this SEO technique I still have a lot to master it, but it is still in the learning process.
3. Write Original Content
As I point out in the first post how to write a good article , do not merepost content of the site / blog . Try to write content that is really original ideas and the results of their own creativity . Even if you copy and merepost your own content from one page or one site to another , do not do it . Why ? because Google usually act violently against any kind of scraping content , even if you are completely innocent . Once your PageRank lowered , almost impossible to get and increase back again.
4. Do Not Be A Spammer
Many bloggers think that is very important to obtain backling to increase their blog traffic and PageRank , so they began to leave a comment anywhere and everywhere all over the web , participating in random link exchanges with anyone who is willing to participate , and so on . Remember , as the first item on the list , said Google's algorithm cares about quality links, not quantity.
5. Write Quality Content
Remember , content is not the same as the original quality content . It was certainly different , not necessarily quality original content . So if you can write original content as well as quality . If you write quality content , people will certainly be interested to read your entire content and the possibility to visit again greater.
6. Frequently Active In The Forum
Active in the forum was also influential on Pagerank know. This proven , one blogger friend who is active in the forum could have a PageRank 5 . I also wonder how come air- PageRank when posting number still can be counted on fingers.
Of points above it all must be done manually because all must be done without application and without any automatic programs because google will rate than the manual way one does in building a website of manggaduaspot hopefully the above tips on Easy Way To Get Google Pagerank can provide benefits.