Every person ever and still communicate via the internet 100 % sure know a website facebook , google , yahoo , youtube , etc. , but you would be surprised if you knew how much the average website that is owned by the world 's billionaires .
Here are 10 websites in the world's richest ( version siteworthchecker ) , the exchange rate EUR 10.000.
Check it now in below The Most Important Website In Internet and the most rich website in the world only manggaduaspot share for you.
- Facebook.com $ 2.19 Billion USD or equivalent to Rp . 21.9 Trillion
- Google.com $ 1,101 Billion USD or equivalent to Rp . 11:01 Trillion
- Youtube.com $ 736.21 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 7:36 Trillion
- Yahoo.com $ 553.38 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . Rp . 5:53 Trillion
- Baidu.com $ 443.47 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 4:43 Trillion
- Wikipedia.org $ 317.58 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 3:17 Trillion
- Live.com $ 278.17 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 2.78 Trillion
- Qq.com $ 247.49 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 2:47 Trillion
- Amazon.com $ 222.92 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 2:22 Trillion
- Taobao.com $ 222.92 Million USD or equivalent to Rp . 2:22 Trillion
Okay only this can be share by manggaduaspot how about your opinion where The Most Important Website In Internet please get the comment in collum coment manggaduaspot wanna know your opinion about website in the top.